Today we celebrate Jesus Christ, the King of kings.  Jesus’ only focus was serving God. He showed us how to serve God as He healed the sick, raised the dead, and called others to do works of charity. Immediately before He gave us the Eucharist, He washed the feet of His disciples and told them, and tells us, that what we see Him do, we also must do.  The gift of the Eucharist itself is the Body that is given up for us and the Blood that is shed for us.  When we are united to Him in communion we are united to the one who is calling us to give our bodies and blood up for others in service to the Father.  We are confronted with choices throughout our lives.  We can make political choices; those choices which will bring us the greatest popularity among others, or, we can make the Christian choice, the choice that would make the presence of the Kingdom a reality in our world.  Jesus Christ is our King.  He is the King who frees us from political choices.  We can, and we must serve Him in all we do and say; we must serve Him by living our faith each day.

For You have died for me!