Every evening as we examine our consciences and ask God for mercy for our mistakes, sins and omissions of the day we must ask ourselves; have I borne witness to the truth today?  It is so much easier to count up the failings of others than it is to count up our own failures!  After all we have had plenty of time to rehearse our own excuses!  But when we do eventually come to recognise the times we have failed and bring them to Our Lord, we experience from His hand, what true freedom is.  When we have the courage to live as He called us to live, we become people of integrity, people of the Truth.  He is our King, our peace, the One who frees us from sin, and from lies.  He gives us His truth and His truth sets us free.  Today is the last Sunday of the Church’s year and She uses Jesus’ own words to sum up His witness and mission on earth: “I was born for this; I came into the world for this: to bear witness to the truth and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.”

…Redeemer, King Divine, help us to listen to, and to bear witness – every day – to Your truth!