From a busy crowd an unknown woman reaches out to touch Jesus’ cloak.  She plucks up the courage to get near this man, this healer, she hopes He heal her.  She reaches out, touches Him and she is instantly cured.  Jesus was aware that power had gone out from Him.  With what must have taken a huge amount of courage she says it was her; she had touched Him.  Jesus responds to her openness by telling her, ‘Your faith has restored you to health’ – she is free.  There is tradition – albeit an unfounded one – that this woman was in fact Veronica, the woman who would later use her veil to wipe the face of Jesus as He makes His way to Calvary.  On her veil was left the impression of Jesus’ face. These incidents have a message for us. The name Veronica means true image. The healing the woman receives deeply imprints a true image of Jesus in her heart.  Later Jesus receives comfort from Veronica’s act of charity and the true image of His face is left on her veil; a copy of His image already implanted in her heart.  Our encounters with Jesus whether they be in the Sacraments, in reading the scriptures, in prayer, in our neighbour, all encourage us to go forward in peace and to share His true image with all the people we encounter in daily life.

He is passing by this moment your needs He’ll supply!