Through the mystery of the Holy Trinity, God shares His own deep mystery with us.  This mystery is not found in the recitation of the dogma: “There is one God in three persons, Father Son and Holy Spirit”; this is a fifth century definition of the Trinity, not a deep mystery.  The true mystery of the Trinity is found in our encountering, and sharing in, the intimate life of God.  The intimacy of God cannot be stated, it can only be experienced.  Early in the morning Moses went up Mount Sinai as the Lord had commanded him. Having come down in a cloud, the Lord stood there with him and shared His name: ‘Lord’.  Moses bowed down in worship because he had opened himself up to the mystery of the Lord and encountered and shared in His presence on that mountain.  We can experience the mystery of God’s life within us. The doorway into God’s life is opened to at our baptism, we must quieten ourselves down and open ourselves to His presence as He is, not as we want Him to be Him.  Let us see this feast day as another invitation to enter into – and to encounter and share  – in the mystery of the living, loving God.

            …no work too hard for Him,  …In faith receive from Him!