Peter and Andrew, James and John heard the Lord’s call, dropped everything and followed Him.  They weren’t the sort of people anyone would suspect of being religious; they were simple fishermen.   They weren’t the sort of people anyone would suspect could convince others to change their lives nor were they the sort of people that anyone would suspect could take the position of leadership in the conversion of the world – but they were!  They responded to a call and God worked His wonders through them. They, and their companions, weren’t an easy bunch to train in the Lord’s way. They wanted Jesus to call down fire and brimstone on the Samaritans.  They fought over who would have the greatest authority in the Kingdom of heaven.  They ran in fear when Jesus was arrested.  There must have been times when Mary just rolled her eyes!  But they did learn and as a result we are here, members of the Church.  The disciples had a secret teacher, a mystical teacher; they had the Holy Spirit.  Filled with the Holy Spirit they were able to transform their lives and convey the joy of serving Christ to their companions…

…and so can we!