Today’s Gospel follows the Baptism of Jesus; John tells us that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  Saint Paul points out that Jesus came that we might be holy, for Paul being holy is being set aside for God.   Jesus suffered death and rose again to give us His life, setting us aside for God:  He died so we can be holy.    Holiness is not something that we do; it is something that Jesus has done for us.  He made us holy.  We all want to have wonderful, full lives; how can we live life to its fullest?  How, basically, by committing ourselves to God and abandoning ourselves to His Truth. This is how we respond to the call to be holy.  Behold, the Lamb of God, who accepted the way that would lead to the cross.  He is calling us to join Him and sacrifice ourselves for others.  John said that he saw the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus.  The Spirit has descended upon us too, calling us by name to trust in God; calling us to be lights in the world, lights guiding others to Jesus.

… only say the word and I shall be healed!