Usually when we speak of a mystery, we think of a story that needs to be solved before we reach the last page of the book or the film finishes.  When the Church speaks of mystery, she is speaking of a truth that is incomprehensible to reason and is knowable only through divine revelation.   The Early Church referred to the sacraments as the mysteries.  The main events of the Jesus’ ongoing action in our world we call the Mystery of Faith.  At the most solemn moment in the Mass, after the Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, we proclaim the Mystery of Faith.  Saint Paul reminds the Colossians, and us, that we have received Mystery; the Mystery that Christ is in us.  We can go about our day lives so determined to do this that we can forget about the wonderful mystery that Christ is with, and in, us.  Like Martha, in the Gospel, we can be more concerned with doing rather than just being.  Martha was doing in her efforts to prepare for Jesus.  Mary, her sister, was concerned with being, with being with Jesus.  Let us be more aware of Him with us in all we do in this coming week.

…proclaim the Mystery!