When the risen Jesus appeared in the Upper Room, why was it locked?  Simply because the disciples were afraid, were living in utter fear.  Jesus had been killed; would that be their fate too?  In their fear, they all began doubting Him.  When He appeared they realised He offered a life changing message: Jesus Himself was the message.  We can feel afraid; fear is a part of life.  Often beneath fear is doubt: Does Jesus really care?  Where is He when I need Him?  When we are confronted with death, sickness, unemployment, or situations that disappoint us, we ask ourselves such fearful, doubting questions.  St Thomas’ profession of faith reassures us not to be afraid.  Jesus knew fear – remember Him in the garden at Gethsemane – therefore, He sees and understands us when we are afraid; He gives us strength to overcome our fears and the courage do the right thing.  We can feel horrible for doubting Him; but His mercy and compassion are far stronger than our doubts.  No matter what we are facing in life, look to Jesus and remember He is mercy and compassion; He is “My Lord and My God.”

      …Life is naught without Thee; aid us in our strife!