When we read the parable the Prodigal Son, we tend to focus on the younger brother.  We consider his sins, his memory of his life with his father and how he had offended him.  We consider too his difficult decision to return home, and to do so even if it were as a servant rather than as a favoured son.  When we go to confession we feel as the prodigal son felt on that journey home.  We consider our lives and recognise our sins and how happy we were before we were pulled down by whatever it was that caused us to sin.  We resolve to do all we can to return to that original happiness; we long to be back on our father’s farm, content to be in His Presence, even if that Presence be limited now.  Then, embraced by the words of absolution, we are welcomed home and with such love.   Jesus’ whole life was one of love; love for the Father and for us.  He is the face of the Father’s mercy.  Let us accept and welcome the opportunity to live afresh in the mercy and compassion of God.  Let us begin to consider and to reflect on our lives and to recognise how and where we need to change.  This will be our preparation for a good confession this Lent.

   …with the help of Your grace I will try not to sin again.