Of all that Jesus teaches us He wants us to know one thing above all and that is that we are loved unconditionally by God. When we speak of God’s love, it’s extraordinary that we almost always focus on Jesus’ death! He took our sins on Himself and let them die with Him so that we might have life with Him, but the Cross is not the only way that we experience God’s love. Isaiah reminds us that the Messiah comes to heal: the eyes of the blind shall be opened, the ears of the deaf unsealed, the lame shall leap like a deer and the tongues of the dumb sing for joy. Pain and suffering are not part of God’s plan for us, but when we sin, we place ourselves over God, we turn away from Him, and consequently we bring suffering on ourselves. Sin favours darkness but Jesus came to restore life and destroy death. We pray in the Lord’s Prayer: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Our need to be forgiven by God means we must first forgive others. Healing is similar; our need to be healed by God means we too must extend a healing hand to others. Jesus heals because He loves us; He heals us in order that we become healers. Let’s be open to Him so that we may be open to one another.

… which means “Be opened!”