For the next five Sunday’s we will be hearing chapter six of St John’s Gospel. This chapter is a wonderful reflection on the mystery of the Eucharist.  It begins by telling of the multiplication of the loaves and fish.  Some phrases used in its telling remind us of words we hear in connection with Jesus at the Last Supper: He took, He blessed, He broke bread.  This miracle takes place around Passover time – when God’s people celebrated their freedom from slavery and their thanksgiving for His protection.  At the Last Supper – the new People of God – would be fed not with Passover lamb, but the Lamb of God: another meal of deliverance and thanksgiving.   From the start of the chapter, we know that Saint John is speaking about more than loaves and fish. He is speaking about this New Passover, the Eucharist.  The Eucharist is the sacrament in which we are united with Jesus and the apostles at the Last Supper.  It is important for us to remember and rejoice that when we receive communion we are receiving the Food that God provides.  Let us pray for a deeper appreciation, a deeper reverence, for the great gift of Love that is the Eucharist

…the bread that contains all goodness!