In telling us of the appearance of the risen Christ to His friends on Easter evening the evangelist tells us; Jesus says …touch me and see for yourselves.  They can feel He was alive and to confirm He was not a ghost, He eats with them.  This becomes fundamental to the faith, fundamental to the apostles’ preaching.  On Easter Sunday we heard that St Peter told how he and the others could affirm with great confidence that Jesus was alive because …we have eaten and drunk with Him after His resurrection from the dead (Acts10). St John today shows us how deeply the death and resurrection of Jesus has become part of their preaching; His …is the sacrifice that takes our sins away, and not only ours, but the whole world’s.  They can preach this because they have touched His risen body and seen Him with their eyes.  They are witnesses and will take that message to the ends of the earth.  We, as believers today, have the same mission; to make the risen Christ known to our world.  We can do this, because we are His witnesses, our sins have been forgiven; we too share in His promise of eternal life and love.

 … Jesus has died and has risen, alleluia!