To the people of New Testament times the seas and lakes stood for chaos; they contained turmoil only God could control them.  The sea was terrifying; it could be calm one moment and fierce the next.  Jesus did that which only God could do: He tamed the waters.   He invited Peter to walk on water and he did but relying on Jesus’ power.   All was going well for Peter, until his focus changed from Jesus to himself.  As soon as he became more concerned with his own ability rather than his response to the Lord, he sank.  Jesus saved him, and commented on the weakness of Peter’s faith.  Peter needed Jesus to reach out His hand to save him.  Sometimes our lives can be full of chaos and turmoil and we feel as though we are trying to walk on turbulent waters.  There are times we want to hide from everything; but we can’t.  We have to leave the boat and respond to Jesus’ call to join Him.   He reaches out to us and frees from our turmoil; from the chaos we find ourselves in.  Let us trust more deeply in the Lord and so enter into His peace.

…And let our ordered lives confess the beauty of Thy peace!