10 May 2020 : 5th Sunday of Easter : Divine Office Week 4


Please see the calendar for Mass intentions this week.

Mass Intentions

If you want Mass said for a particular intention, then email it and we’ll publish the intentions in the calendar.

Your Prayers are asked for:

Lately dead:

James Taylor, Stephen Merryman.

Those Whose Anniversaries are at this time:

Michael Birtwistle   K M Turner   Luis Santos

The Sick of the Parishes:

Brian Byrne, Sarah Adam, Veronica Law, Dennis Brown, Graham Jubb, Paul Shuttleworth, Keith and Alexa Wightman, Sarah Mason, Cynthia McPherson, Kevin Casey, Esther Castle, Chris Broadhurst, Joan Randall, Hazel Waring, Eric and Nina Ireland, Frances McKenzie, Sandie Hardy, Elizabeth Ackerley, Pepe Casanova, Karen Parkinson, Margaret Aspin, Bruce Kay, Colette Calveley, Lucy Ball, Maggie Trimble, Pauline O’Toole, Roberta Whiteside, Alan White.

Red Boxes/Missio

I hope everyone is keeping well. I will not be able to empty the red boxes or distribute the magazines for some time. I have had a letter from Missio about Pope Francis’ emergency fund for aid to the people and communities tragically impacted by Covid-19.

Sister Mary from Pirimiti Hospital in Malawi has written to say ‘Thanks so much for your concern. We are in darkness. There is no testing being done and the situation has started biting us economically. I am so worried because up to now there are no preparations for this pandemic. Our health system in Malawi, and Africa at large, is so weak. Only God will help us out.’

Pope Francis asks for our prayers and our generosity at this time. The fund is being administered by Missio and further details can be found on their website missio.org.uk or contact Christine Griffiths.

A Prayer for our times

God Our Father,
each person is precious to You.
You are the Giver of life.
Have mercy on us and protect us at this time,
as the coronavirus threatens health and life.
You are an ever-present Helper in time of trouble.
Watch over those who are suffering,
give strength to those who are aiding the sick
and give courage to all in this time of anxiety.
We ask this of you in the name of your Son.
Jesus Christ.


God bless, stay home, stay well.