The drama of today’s Gospel, is of a simple man open to God’s presence and arrogant men who cannot see the Christ standing right in front of them.  The blind man is the one with sight.  The Pharisees are blind.   Little has changed.  Today’s so-called intellectuals belittle us because we are people of faith.  Yet they cannot answer the questions that matter: What is life really about?  What is the purpose of human struggles?  Can we have true happiness? – we can!  Life is about the God who gives us life.  We exist to love, honour and serve Him.  With Him every aspect of our life has meaning and purpose.  His love is experienced in the love of our families and friends.  We experience His love in one another.  In his ‘Gospel of Joy’ Pope Francis calls us to help others see our joy in Jesus.  It is not enough just to call ourselves Christians.  We must bring Jesus to others.  As Jesus healed the man born blind, we must lead others out of darkness into the Light of Christ.  Pope Francis calls us to share our joy and proclaim it with our lives to those who are searching.

           … was blind, but now I see!